It seems like Kader has really grown up over the past month. He has definitely become more opinionated and will let you know what he wants-good or bad! He's recently started having "temper tantrums" where he will be crawling/sitting and his body goes limp and he'll hit his hands/feet on the ground. If you are holding him he will get stiff as a board and throw his head back! I try not to laugh at him when he does these things, he could win an Emmy for some of his scenes :) Overall, he still is one of the most laid back, easy going little ones that I've ever seen! We are so blessed for that. He is a talking little guy with lots of gibberish. He's been saying "Uh-oh" for 3 or so weeks. He will use it appropriately about 60% of the time. We are eagerly waiting the arrival of "momma" or "dada!" Recently he started "sharing" his toys. If he is playing with something and you put your hand out and ask him to please give it to you, he will 80% of the time. Pretty neat! He also has started sharing his paci with me. He will take it out of his mouth and try to put it in mine. His aim still needs a little tweaking but he's got the right idea. His sleeping patterns have started to level out over the past few weeks. He went for about 6-8 weeks where he was waking up in the middle of the night atleast 1 time (sometimes he would settle back down other times he had to bed fed before he would go back to sleep). This was getting really old considering he spoiled us in the beginning by sleeping through the night so quickly! I felt like I was in a time warp! He continues to go down between 8 and 9 depending on my work schedule and will usually wake up around 6 to 7 and eat and will go back down for another hour or two. He also recently started taking longer naps during the day. Up until recently he would take a 1 hour nap in the morning and a 1 hour nap in the afternoon-if we were lucky! Now he's taking 1 two hour nap in the am and then another hour or longer nap in the afternoon. I'm thinking he's probably just growing but I'm loving the time I have to get chores done while he's napping. When he's awake he is into everything and is going everywhere! He's not walking like I predicted earlier, but he's making strides in that direction. He's "cruising" some and can stand on his own for a second or two before he plops on his bottom. He's still unsure of himself, but his confidence is growing everyday!
Below are pictures from the last month:
We spent New Years Eve with our friends Ashlee and Jeff. Kader had his first sleepover at a non-relatives house. He did great the first half of the night and slept soundly in Lily's pack-n-play . . . . until we went to bed and I woke him up by taking a puff of my inhaler!! He refused to go back to sleep in the pack-n-play so for the first time ever he slept in bed with us. It was the worst sleep of my life but Kader and Kirk slept like logs!!

New Year's Day - Lily giving Kader a smooch!

Me and Kader, Ashlee and Lily New Years Eve

Kader sitting on the hood of the trailblazer . . . we probably got 7 inches of snow

Nanny nanny boo boo!!

First real snow of the year the day after Christmas

Helping Kader build a snowman

Me and Kader on the front porch checking out the snow situation before enduring the elements!

Me and my Dad. . . adoring Kader!

So sweet.

PaPa playing horsey with Kader

Grammy Jo feeding Kader (she was impressed that he would eat one of his homemade concoctions of avocado, bananas and pears)

Kader listening to Grammy Jo . . .she's telling him if he continues to try to get away from her, he's going to fall from the chair :)

Thought this was a cute picture with his name conveniently placed below him! It wasn't even staged that way.

Kader was very thankful for all of his gifts, but was very preoccupied by eating the paper. His most favorite paper product would have to be the tissue paper from gift bags!

Kader and Auntie Ray with Kader's mound gifts!

Kader checking to make sure they got the right size!

Uncle Matt helping Kader open one of his gifts from PaPa and Grammy Jo.

I love PaPa.

PaPa and Grammy Jo made it to NC Christmas night!

Our First Christmas

Great Grandma Lilley and Kader . . . .he didn't want to sit still!

Kader and Grandma Revels

Kader getting in touch with his feminine side thanks to Great Aunt Christy!

Christy, Jordan, Rachael and Kader

Kader checking out Jordan's flip video camera

Daddy helping Kader open his gifts

Kader liked Emme's pillow pet

Kader hanging with the "big kids" on Christmas day in Williamston

Christmas Eve night after opening gifts and eating dinner with the Giaccone clan.

GiGi, Kader and Grandpa Steve--this picture was before the meltdown!

Kader and GiGi before going to bed Christmas Eve.

GiGi and Grandpa Steve loving on Kader before he goes to bed

Sleepy boy!

Kader fell asleep in the middle of opening presents

Kader taking his new trike from GiGi for a spin.

Kader made out pretty good at GiGi's house!

Kader in front of GiGi's tree. He has to be holding a gift as a distraction or he will immediately crawl towards the camera!!

My sweet boy!

Kader pulling on Mommy's hair. This is why my hair is up 95% of the time!

This picture was taken in the place of a Santa picture because Mommy didn't get me to see Santa sooner! We went to the mall to meet Santa and waiting in line for about 30 minutes before asking how long it would take to get to him . . . .after finding out it would be 3+ hours we decided to come home.

Grandad, Kader and DeDe Christmas eve morning before they left to go back home Williamston.

Kader checking out on of his gifts on Christmas Eve morning.

Cute closeup.

DeDe showing Kader Christmas ornaments

Kirk and Kader Christmas Eve morning . . Kirk has a case of the bedhead!

Kader was READY to go to bed after opening his presents. You can see he was crying. He's wearing festive PJ from DeDe and Grandad.

Kader showing off his presents from Grandad Revels and DeDe, Grandmama Revels, and his Uncle Matt and Aunt Robin on the Thursday night before Christmas
I'll do my best to keep up with my New Year's resolution!
We love you all.
Kirk, Tiffany and Kader
So glad you found my blog! WOW! I'll say a lot has changed he is precious - really handsome little boy!! So glad to have reconnected - will add yours to my list of blogs too so I can be kept in the loop. Happy New Year ~ Sara
ReplyDeleteLove all the pictures! I just love that boy!