Thursday, June 24, 2010

12 weeks old--VERY LATE posting!

Another month has passed us by! Kader is now 3 months old (13 calendar weeks)! I know I keep saying it but my goodness time flies. It seems like just yesterday we were driving in the cold pouring rain/snow to the hospital to be induced. My first day back to work was May 24th. I worked 2 half days and 1 full 12 hour day my first week back. I must say those two half days eased the anxiety I had about leaving him. My first 12 hour shift back I was spoiled because Kirk had to drive me to work because his truck has been in the shop, so I got a few extra minutes with my boys. Kirk has been able to bring Kader up to work at lunchtime so that I can feed him and we can visit. I am so thankful that Kirk is able to stay home with him!

Since the last posted Kader had a little “bump” in the road with his reflux. Three weeks ago Kader who always spits up after feeds was spitting up much more than usual and with increased force. I let this go on for about a week because he continued to pee and poop good. I was concerned though that with him spitting up so much that he might not be getting the nutrition that he needed. The pediatrician checked everything out and was somewhat concerned because Kader had only gained 1.5 oz and dropped off of his growth curve (wt=11lb 9oz) since his previous visit 2 weeks prior to that. She suggested we get an ultrasound of his belly to make sure everything was passing through okay. I was happy to oblige because I wanted to make sure of the same thing! The ultrasound was normal so she suggested feeding him with a bottle and adding rice cereal to my breast milk to thicken it. I didn't like that idea so I waited to see if his spitting up would improve and/or he would gain his weight. A week later his weight was 12lb 2oz. He still hasn't made it back to his growth curve but the doc said that he might just stay in the same curve he's on now.

Kader had his first overnight trip without Mommy and Daddy this past weekend! He stayed with GiGi and Auntie Rae in Fayetteville while Kirk and I went to a wedding in Pinehurst. I definitely had a little bit of separation anxiety but I must say it was nice to hang out with adults all night long and not have to wake up early in the am because Kader wanted his breakfast! Needless to say it was a nice break but was WONDERFUL getting back to my little boy! Kader hung out with his Grandma Revels and Aunt Christy and cousin Rachel the previous Saturday when they watched him while Kirk and I went out with some friends to celebrate a birthday. We stayed out late that night but I knew that I would be home when he woke up (which by the way came WAY too early that morning!).

In the past couple of weeks Kader has discovered that he has hands/fingers. He is constantly opening and closing his hands, holding his hands together and putting his hands in his mouth. He's recently started reaching for the frog in his carrier. Also, a few weeks ago he discovered his tongue. He makes the cutest smacking noises! He continues to be more interactive and you are almost guaranteed a smile if you talk to him. He's still sleeping great. He usually goes down to bed between 830 and 930 and wakes up between 6 and 7. Since I've started working I have to wake him up around 7 am to feed him before I leave in the morning (selfish right?!), after that I swaddle him and he sleeps another 2 or 3 hours for Kirk! Have I mentioned he is a good baby!

We are so blessed to have a baby with such a good disposition. We continue to be amazed everyday by the little things he does. It's so refreshing to watch Kader as he takes the world in around him. We thank God everyday for making us parents to such a sweet, healthy baby.

Thank you all for your encouragement and support as I've gone back to work. We are so thankful to be surrounded by people that love our family so much.

Love to all,
Kirk, Tiffany and Kader