Tuesday, August 11, 2009

KJ's First and Second Photo Shoot and Nursery

Kirk and a few of his guys started "demolition" on the porch before Travis started doing the "technical" stuff!

First Ultrasound

8 weeks and 4 days

Not much to see, but it was good to know that there was only one little baby in there and that it's heartbeat was good. What a miracle!

Second Ultrasound

KJ 11 weeks 3 days

These ultrasound images are amazing. I fell in love at this visit. It was so overwhelming to see the baby moving all around inside me although I still can't feel anything.

Taking Bets: Boy or Girl?

This is my most favorite picture. Having images in 3D makes things look so real!

We Are Pregnant.... 12 weeks today!

It seems surreal to think that I'm coming to the end of my first trimester. It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant!!

Kirk and I have talked about starting a blog after one of our best friends, the Talberts, started a blog for their newborn almost 3 years ago. We've enjoyed the monthly posts and have watched Lauren grow up from infancy to now a preschooler!!! It's been an amazing gift to us since we don't see them as often as we'd like. They've inspired us to start blogging so that we can keep everyone up to date on the happenings in our world.

We found out we were pregnant the day after Father's Day (Monday 6/21). I had taken a test 3 days before which was faintly positive but didn't think anything about it because the instructions clearly stated that the two lines had to be the same color. I tested the following Monday while I was at work and to my suprise it was POSITIVE as soon as the urine touched it!!! Since we had been "trying" for about 6 months (and off birth control for 8 months), I wasn't expecting that it was positive since the other test was supposidly negative. I was shocked and stood in the bathroom for about 5 minutes just staring at the test. I was so disappointed that Kirk wasn't with me. I called Kirk as I was leaving work to make sure he would be home when I got there but he had stopped by a friends house to eat dinner so I made it home before him. I was waiting for him in the driveway when he got home. I had both hands behind my back and told him to pick a hand--he picked the hand with the baggie that had the positive test in it. He looked at it for a few second and said is this a pregancy test? I said "Yes, we're going to have a baby!" I cried and he was super happy and excited. We called our parents and told them the news.

We had our first ultrasound at 8 weeks and 4 days (6/20) which revealed one baby with a heart rate of 169. We were both in in awe. Being able to see the little "blob" with a big head and paddles for arms/legs was really amazing. Since then, we've had another ultrasound in which the baby measured 11 weeks and 3 days (8/7). The doc did regular 1 dimensional pictures then switched to 3D when the baby quieted down and we could actually see facial features and fingers/toes....and I swear that the baby had some "equipment" between HIS legs!! The doc says it's a little too early to tell, so we'll have to wait and see! This ultrasound was very moving and emotional for me because the pictures really looked like a minature baby! I had tears rolling down my face as we watched the baby moving it's arms and legs around. It's so awesome to think that this child is from me and Kirk!!

I am not "showing" per say, but i definitely have some pudge action going on. I can still wear the majority of my pants, but some of them are just too snug for comfort. In the beginning I was nauseated a lot, especially on an empty stomach, but this has definitely improved over time and I'm hoping that in the next few weeks it will go away completely!! Overall, I'd have to say that I am feeling pretty well.

A neat side note: Before finding out that I was pregnant one of my very close friends found out she is pregnant-she is due Christmas Day. After finding out I was pregnant I found out that two of my good friends are also pregnant one is due the day before me and the other 3 weeks after me. It seems like 2010 will the the year of the babies!! I'm so excited to be sharing this experience with others that will be going through it too!!

In preparation for the baby, Kirk has given Travis the go ahead to tear down part of our back porch to make room for an addition which will be the baby's room. I haven't been onboard with the idea until the past 4 weeks, although Kirk has had this in the planning stages in his head for the last 2 years! I am now very very excited about the additional room which will save us a lot of time going up and down the stairs to tend to the baby. The drywall was put up yesterday and I've been told that everything will be complete in 3 days, to include hardwoods in our living room. I can't wait to start decorating and preparing for the baby.

That's all for now. Hopefully now that everyone is up to speed there will not be a need for novel like blog posts!!

Everyone continue to keep me, Kirk, and the baby in your thoughts and prayers for a healthy pregnancy and baby at the end of this.

Thank you all for your well wishes, cards and support. We love you all.