We had a busy summer!
Here are a few pictures of memories made.

Kader and his GiGi

I'm a big boy!

8/29 Kader and Auntie Allie

8/28 Spending quality time with Daddy and my favorite friend Bailey

8/14 I feel so clean after bathtime!

8/12 Trying rice cereal for the first time after Mommy got home from work

8/2 Almost 5 months old!

Our Family

Kader listening to PaPa's words of wisdom

Sleepy baby

Kader and PaPa! Almost 5 months old when he was able to hold him for the first time.


Kader is over all the picture taking! PaPa is too, he's just not showing it!

7/25 Dad's visit to NC while he was on leave

7/22 Playing dressup . . Kader was over it!
In the neighborhood pool after the beach
Bill and Leanna playing with Kader in the pool

I'm getting used to being shaded at the beach now. . .the days of sun worshipping are over!!

Daddy and Kader

Heaven on earth!

After playing in the heat, Kader was tuckered out

He didn't mind the water as long as it didn't splash on his back when the tide was coming in

He loved playing in the sand

7/7 Kader's first real beach trip

I love to play with my feet

7/3 **4 months old**
I think my favorite is Kader asleep in the sun, the "Heaven on earth picture." Precious boy!