Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our miracle-Kader William...One Month Later

So . . I tried to copy and paste my word document to the blog and it didn't want to work! I think you may have you paste before you add pictures! Nonetheless, I've added pictures and will add the post separately!

41 weeks pregnant

Me and Kirk after reaching the decision that a c-section was what was best for Kader.

Kader William Revels @ 3 minutes old born at 9:16pm 3/3/10
7lbs 10oz
21 inches long

Check out my conehead! I was tryin to come out!
Proud Grandmas!

3 Generations of Revels Men!
Kader's coming home outfit. Kirk's grandma made the blue blanket for Kader.

About to leave the hospital Saturday 3/6/10

Daddy and Kader taking a nap the day after we got home from the hospital.
Wonder what Kader is dreaming about?
Kader at 1 week old with me in Williamston

Kader meeting his Great Grandma Lilley for the first time (1wk old)
Kader and his Uncle Matt
Kader and his other Uncle Matt

Love this picture!! I got a new camera and have been playing around with it and have gotten some really good results.
Grandpa Steve

My precious Angel

"Phototherapy" for his jaundice. How do you think he feels about it? (Check out his hand!)
Kader wearing Kirk's baby bracelet! Can you see Kirk's date of birth on it?
Sleeping so peacefully!

Look at his hairy shoulder!

What's he thinking?

He looks so little in that big chair!

I took these pictures when he was three weeks old
The Easter Bunny was good to me this year!

Hangin with Grandma Sylvia this past week
I'm 1 month old!! (Actually 3 weeks and 6 days ) I wasn't cooperating with Mommy this morning to take my 1 month pictures!

He's getting SO SO big! I put him in his carseat earlier this week and it looks like he's grown 6 inches. I will continue to take pictures of him and try to be better about posting so ya'll don't miss out on him growing up!
Love to all!
Kirk, Tiffany and Kader