As I am writing this I am at work in between patients! I figured I would try to update the blog ASAP because hopefully over the weekend I won't have time because I will be going into LABOR! I am 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant today!!! Since the last update we had our 38 week visit on February 10th, at which point they checked my cervix for changes. I was not dilated, but was 60% effaced and -2 station. Effacement refers to the thinning out of the cervix while station is how the baby is positioned in the pelvis. While I wasn't dilated, I was happy to know that I was effaced. You have to be 100% effaced before you can start pushing and 10 cm dilated of course! Station is usually measured from -3 to +3, 0 station is when the baby had dropped down and is well positioned or engaged in the pelvis. When the baby's head is crowning that is referred to as +3 station. We had our 39 week doctors appointment this past Tuesday the 16th. Everything went well and Kader is doing what he's suppose to be doing. They didn't recheck my cervix at this visit and will not do so until my follow up visit next Thursday the 25th. I'll be 40 weeks and 1 day pregnant at that point!! They will also do a non-stress test at that time to make sure everything is still looking good with Kader. We will also schedule an induction day at that time if I haven't delivered. The obstetricians ideally would like to deliver within 7 – 10 days of your due date because of increased risk for complications such as fetal distress, poor functioning placenta, decreased amniotic fluid and bigger babies. Being in the medical field I worry about all the bad things that can happen so I'm hoping that Kader will make up his mind and come without medical intervention!!
I had my 2nd and last baby shower the first Saturday of this month. I got to see a few people that I haven't seen in a LONG time which was great. I am so thankful to have such wonderful, caring people in my life. Kirk and I are blessed to have some of the best friends in the world! Thank you to Jenny and all those who helped for such a special time!
We talked with and toured Jeffers, Artman and Mann Pediatrics in Clayton and liked the providers there. It was hard making a decision about where we wanted to go with Kader after he was born, because we had positive experiences at both places and have had good input from others about both clinics/providers. We decided on Jeffers, Artman and Mann after one of our obstetricians highly recommended them. I was leaning towards them because they a few more on site services. So once Kader arrives we will let the hospital know which pediatrician we have chosen and they will monitor him while he is in the hospital.
I've added pictures of his finished nursery.

So I guess that's about it for now! Kirk and I anxiously await Kader's arrival! I might be a little more anxious than him only related to the fact that I'm feeling pretty huge these days. I am looking forward to breathing a little easier, moving around more gracefully and probably most excited about comfortable rest at night (although I won't get much of it)!! I really shouldn't complain though, I have been blessed to have such an uneventful pregnancy so far and I remind myself when I'm feeling this way that pregnancy is only temporary! Once I do deliver I really think I will miss being pregnant. It's been amazing nurturing this little human being that will be our first son! I can't wait to meet him!
Continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy and uneventful delivery! We will keep all of you posted! Thanks to all for EVERYTHING! Words cannot express how grateful Kirk and I are for all the loving support you have offered throughout this pregnancy.
We love you all,
Kirk, Tiffany and Kader
What an exciting time for the two of you! I join you both in praying for an uneventful delivery without intervention. I thank you for posting to the blog and allowing us to feel part of this special time in your lives. Good luck and God Bless!!
ReplyDeleteMichelle Revels