Another 4 weeks down . . . amazing to think that in another 4 weeks we will have a newborn in our arms! Time has surely flown by. We are coming down to the last few weeks of this pregnancy and I must say that I have been VERY blessed to have had a non-eventful pregnancy! I've heard horror stories from women about how awful things can be, especially towards the end of pregnancy. At this point I've got 19 days until his due date (yikes, that's really soon!) and the worst I can complain about is some midback pain and tossing and turning with LOTS off peeing at night! I have truly loved being pregnant. I've loved the anticipation of each “stage,” from finally getting a positive pregnancy test, to our first doctors appointment, the first ultrasound, buying my first pregnancy pants, finding out that we are having a son, buying baby clothes for the first time, feeling Kader move for the first time, watching my belly grow, feeling braxton hicks contractions for the first time, feeling Kader have hiccups, preparing the nursery, sharing the pregnancy with other pregnant friends, growing even closer to my already fabulous husband and the list goes on and on!! I must admit I think I will miss being pregnant once it's over, but will not have much time to dwell on it because I will finally have our son to focus on. With his nursery finally completed I am ready for him to be here!!
I will get checked for dilation for the first time at our visit this Wednesday, 2/10. I am interested to see if my body is getting ready for the big day . . . I don't really feel like I've “dropped” or had any signs of impending delivery so this kiddo may be hanging in there for the duration! I just dread the thought of him coming after his due date! I want him here now!! At this point, Kirk and I are trying to enjoy each other and our “carefree” lives because all that is going to change really soon-in a good way of course!
Since the last post I had my first baby shower that my Mom and Sylvia coordinated at my house. We had a good turnout and it was nice to see family and some of my coworkers from CVS. Kader got lots of good stuff! We are truly blessed to be surrounded by such thoughtful and loving people! I've also attended showers for 4 of my pregnant friends, Amanda who is having a little boy, Pate who is due anyday now, Stacy who is having a little girl, Amelia in March, Brooke who is having a little boy, name undetermined in March and then Ashlee who is having a little girl, Lily, the day before Kader is due. Kader will not be lacking playmates, that's for sure! I was suppose to have a shower the last Sunday in January but it had to be rescheduled related to a significant snow storm—go figure! So Jenny rescheduled the shower for the first Saturday in February.
This past week we visited with Raleigh Pediatrics in Garner to “interview” them. We enjoyed the information session and liked the provider that talked with us. We will visit with one other clinic this coming week to see if they can “wow” us. Both clinics are about 15 minutes from the house.
So as not to break tradition....belly pictures! (I missed the 34 weeks belly . . . not too bad considering we are almost at the end of the pregnancy!!)

I guess that wraps things up for now. Please to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we head towards the finish line. Thank you again everyone for your support and encouragement thus far. I look forward to introducing our little man to the world once he decides it's his time.
Love to all,
Kirk, Tiffany and Kader