Kader had his 6 month well child check on 9/9. He was 15lb 15oz (20%) and 27inches(50%). At that visit we were referred to a GI doctor for further evalution of his reflux because despite the medication he continued to spit up excessively. We met with Duke GI on 10/12. At that visit Kader was 16lb 1oz (10%). The doctor didn't want to change anything with Kader's regimen and wanted to monitor his weight gain over the next few months, we are scheduled to return in January. Kader was recently weighed during his visit for his flu shot on 10/27 and was 16lb 2oz (7%). At that point the pediatrician suggested that we see a nutritionist to see if they had a better insight on how to help Kader gain weight. We met with the nutritionist 11/11 and she was very helpful and insightful. She focused mainly on my alkalanizing my diet since I am still breastfeeding hoping that will in turn reduce Kader's reflux symptoms. She also started him on probiotics. I haven't really seen a change in his symptoms since our visit. Kader's spitting up had actually started to decrease in frequency and volume about 2 weeks prior to our nutritionist visit. The only change prior to this was that I changed his feeding schedule. So now Kader is usually eating something every 2 hours. I've found that if he gets a large volume at once (ie: a bottle and baby food) he spits up. I think he may have a small stomach. I'll be curious to see what his weight is on 12/6 at his 9 month well child check.
Aside from our doctors related visits it seems like we've had a busy few months. In Septemeber, Kirk and I went on a 7 day cruise and Kader split his time away from us with his Grandma Sylvia and Grammy Jo. We are so blessed to have such an awesome supportive family. We were able to skype with Kader (and his caregivers) every day we were gone. That made our absence a little more bearable, but I don't think we have any week long vacation plans away from Kader for a LONG time! In October Kader attended his first Halloween party and a birthday party!
Kader was a puppy dog for Halloween this year, and I must admit, he's the cutest little pup I've ever laid eyes on! While dressed up, he was most interested in the tail and gnawing on it! These days if Kader can put his hands on it, it will most definitely make it to his mouth at some point! In late September we noticed that one of his top teeth was starting to come in--fast forward to the second week of November is when that tooth, along with the other top one FINALLY came through, making a total of 4 pearly whites in his mouth! He also started "scooting" the last week in September which lasted about two full weeks before he crawled for the first time (7mos 4days old). Within a week of crawling he figured out how to get back into the sitting position from crawling. Before then he would crawl and get to where he was going and lay on his belly or flip onto his back. At the end of October Kader started trying to pull up to the standing position with my help. On 11/19 I left him in his crib so that I could put some things in my car and when I came back Kader was standing all by himself in his crib. He was smiling and so proud, but wanted me to get him because he didn't know how to get back down! So cute. Since then he has mastered the art of pulling up and I think he may start walking before Christmas! I have NO idea what we will do then. He is a ball of energy and so curious about his surroundings. He loves to "sing" (make sounds, imitate sounds), play chase, peak-a-boo, patty cake. He loves to stand up and play at his "activity center" that lights up and sing/talks when you press buttons. Most of all he LOVES Bailey! Every morning that cat is waiting at Kaders door for him. When Kader sees that cat he kicks his feet and tries to get on the floor to play with him. Bailey is so tolerant and lets Kader pet, squeeze, pull and yank at whatever he wants! We've got a good kitty at our house. Khaluah, the female isn't so tolerant and stays at arms length away from him. Kader continues to stay with Tori on the days that I work. He seems to really love her, her two girls and her mother. It makes it much easier to go to work knowing that he's being well taken care of. We are blessed to have the arrangement that we do. I still visit him at lunch time to feed him and play for a while. Helps to break up the day for me and I know Kader is happy to see me :)
11.30 I love to look at books
11.30 So big!
11.30 My first bruise. . . can you see it on my forehead?
11.25 Our First Thanksgiving as a family
11.25 Rachael's boyfriend, Kevin and Kader are fast friends
11.24 Good helper
11.21 Kader loved riding in the golf cart with his Great Aunt Christy, Jordan and Rachel
11.21 Jordan and Kader hanging out outside while we were celebrating Thanksgiving in Williamston

11.21 Kader sitting in Great Grandma Lilley's yard
11.21 Kader and Daddy in one of the barns on Great Grandmas property

11.21 Big boy on a big tire

11.21 Patience is running thin

11.19 Standing up in crib for the first time . . .and oh so proud!
11.14 Darling!
11.14 Play date with Lily
11.8 Messy face
11.8 Cool b/w picture
11.8 I love to play with all of my toys and I'm getting really good at pulling up on things
11.8 I love to clap
11.8 Naked boy
11.8 Bath time is so fun!
11.8 I looooove bath time!
11.1 I wanna go out and play
10.31 Great Aunt Sue feeding Kader while she's visiting from Delaware
10.31 Grandpa Steve, GiGi and Kader
Kader's First Halloween 10.31
10.26 Kader and his buddy Pate. Pate is about 3 weeks older than Kader
10.24 Thomas (Kirk's Dad) loving on his Kaderbug
10.24 Grandpa Thomas, DeDe and Kader
10.4 In our backyard
9.24 Loungin in my excuvator/construction pj's. Showing off my pearly whites.
9.24 So photogenic
9.18 Kader and his Grammy Jo. She watched Kader the second half of the week while we were on our cruise.
Ashlee and Lily came to visit me for my 30th birthday

Lily and Kader talking "baby talk"

Sweet babies!
Kirk, Tiffany and Kader

11.19 Standing up in crib for the first time . . .and oh so proud!
11.14 Darling!
11.14 Play date with Lily
11.8 Messy face
11.8 Cool b/w picture
11.8 I love to play with all of my toys and I'm getting really good at pulling up on things
11.8 I love to clap
11.8 Naked boy
11.8 Bath time is so fun!
11.8 I looooove bath time!
11.1 I wanna go out and play
10.31 Great Aunt Sue feeding Kader while she's visiting from Delaware
10.31 Grandpa Steve, GiGi and Kader
Kader's First Halloween 10.31
10.26 Kader and his buddy Pate. Pate is about 3 weeks older than Kader
10.24 Thomas (Kirk's Dad) loving on his Kaderbug
10.24 Grandpa Thomas, DeDe and Kader
10.4 In our backyard
9.24 Loungin in my excuvator/construction pj's. Showing off my pearly whites.
9.24 So photogenic
9.18 Kader and his Grammy Jo. She watched Kader the second half of the week while we were on our cruise.
Ashlee and Lily came to visit me for my 30th birthday

Lily and Kader talking "baby talk"

Sweet babies!
Update: Kader had his 9 month well visit (12.9) and is 17lbs 50z (7th%) and 28inches (30th) and his noggin is 45%. At this point I am pleased that he is gaining weight and that he hasn't dropped in percentiles! He may be destined to be a petite baby . . . as long as he's healthy, I'm happy with it!!
Update#2: I've got a few days off the next few days, so I will TRY to do another update to include Kader's First Christmas.
We are so thankful for all of the miracles and blessings over the past year. I cannot begin to name all of the things we are thankful for, as they are too numerous and I would be afraid to leave something/someone out. We are so thankful for all of our family and friends who have supported us over the past year. I look forward with anticipation to what the future has in store for all of us.
God Bless Everyone and best wishes for a fabulous 2011.
Update#2: I've got a few days off the next few days, so I will TRY to do another update to include Kader's First Christmas.
We are so thankful for all of the miracles and blessings over the past year. I cannot begin to name all of the things we are thankful for, as they are too numerous and I would be afraid to leave something/someone out. We are so thankful for all of our family and friends who have supported us over the past year. I look forward with anticipation to what the future has in store for all of us.
God Bless Everyone and best wishes for a fabulous 2011.
Kirk, Tiffany and Kader