Sin0ce the last post Kader has continued to vocalize more. He's smiling socially now and making all sorts of cute noises. He is such a laid back baby with such a good disposition. I think he probably gets that from his Daddy! He has great neck control and is even standing/bearing weight on his legs for extended periods. He loves to look around and take in the scenery.
Kader hanging out in his bumbo chair for the first time

So handsome!
I celebrated my first Mother's Day in Williamston with Kirk's family. We went down on Saturday evening and stayed until Monday morning. We had a great time. While we were in town we stopped by and visited with one of my suitemates from college and her family as well as some other friends that we haven't seen in a while. I have absolutely LOVED every second of being a Mommy so far. I was telling Kirk the other day if I was guaranteed to have a baby like Kader everytime we might end up like the Duggers (they are a family on TLC with 19 kids)! Kiddos are pretty expensive though, so I think we'll probably just give Kader a brother or sister and call it quits! Kirk suprised me with a beautiful ring with Kader's birth stone on my pillow the night before Mother's Day. On Mother's Day morning Kirk got up with Kader to get him ready for me to feed him, after he was done, he put him back in his pack n' play for me to get him. To my suprise Kader had a gift box laying beside him which contained a necklace with the matching pendant to the ring Daddy got me the night before! I feel so blessed to have such a sweet and thoughtful husband and a beautiful, healthy, happy baby boy!! What more could a girl ask for?
Mother's Day
Daddy doing what he does best. . .Kader snuggling :) He's recently taken to his Paci which I think is great.

Kader's 2nd cousin Rachel holding Kader

Grandma Sylvia and Kader

Kader and his 2nd cousins Rachel, Emme and Seth

Kader spending a little time with his Great Grandmomma Lilley on Mother's Day

Kader and his best bud Braylon after his 2 month checkup. Braylon was born 12/16/09 to one of my best friends Sarah Bang Roberts. They are easy to contain now....this time next year will be a different story!!
The Giaccone Girls and Kaderbug
GiGi and Kader

GiGi and her little Kader. We went to Myrtle Beach for 2 days for my Mom's birthday. It was Kader's first overnight trip away from home and he did GREAT. If you had seen the trailblazer loaded up before we left to go, you would have thought that we were gonna be going across the country for the next month! We had to stop one time on the way to feed him and on the way back he slept all the way home (he woke up as we were taking the exit for McGee's Crossroads).
Uncle Matt changing his first diaper...he's lucky it wasn't a poopy one! Kader didn't even cry. He's got a magical touch I guess.

At the Japanese Steakhouse for Mom's birthday celebration. Kader slept through the whole thing until the very end.

Dad and Kader spend a lot of time on the couch!
YES, I know that this sling has been recalled! :) I'm very careful to keep an eye on Kader while he's in it. We've only used it a few times, usually when I'm making dinner. My favorite is the baby bjourn sling.
Bailey has been a little jealous recently because he's not getting the attention he's accustomed to!
This time next week I should be back at work . . . .
When I left for maternity leave I thought that 12 weeks was a long time and would be adequate for getting to know my new bundle. I was SO WRONG! The thought of going back to work makes me so sad! I am going to miss Kader so much. He's changing so much recently and I don't want to miss a single smile, laugh, or him crawling....anything! I feel very lucky though, that Kader will have his Daddy taking great care of him while I'm away at work. I work close enough to the house that I think my two boys will come to see me at lunchtime on the days that I'm working. The plan for now is for Kirk to watch Kader while I'm working and I'll take care of him while Kirk is working. I'm praying that it works out. I'm sure we'll need a babysitter here and there, but hopefully those doeting grandma's will help us if we get into a pinch!
Keep us in your prayers over the coming weeks as we try to adjust to a new routine.
Love to all,
Kirk, Tiffany and Kader