Sorry that it's been so long in between posts! The good thing is that most of you already know what's going on...this will just be to refresh your memory. Today I am 16 weeks and 6 days time flies! I can only imagine how it will once baby is here crying, hungry, needing diapering, etc. I can't wait to find out!
We had our most recent ultrasound on August 24th to check for chromosomal abnormalities. The testing was in conjunction with bloodwork taken the same day to assess risk for abnormalities. The ultrasound looked great so we waited until September 3rd to get the bloodwork results, which looked good. Overall the risk for abnormalities is greater than 1: 23,000 which are wonderful odds! I was worried about birth defects because of all the radiation I received as a child especially to my reproductive tract. In the early 80's they didn't shield patients when they took x-rays. Since women are born with all the eggs they will ever need in life, I was very concerned that some of these eggs would be damaged. So far, we've been blessed with good news though so my mind is definitely at ease. During the ultrasound the baby was not cooperating! The baby was flexing and extending his neck and turning towards my back making it hard for the ultrasonographer to get the measurements. She got me to flip on my left side hoping to coax the baby in a more favorable position. In the meantime we were able to get a few shots of the baby that we will share with you. Since the baby was moving so much the 4D images aren't as good as the first ones.
We had our most recent doctors appointment/check-up on September 1st. This was a super quick visit (except for the part that we waited for 45 minutes to be seen) and the doctor just came in and checked the baby's heart rate. The heart rate was in the 160's and strong. Prior to that visit I purchased a doppler so that we could listen to the baby at home. It took me forever to find the heart beat the first few times, compared to the OB that came in and got it on the first try! I've gotten much better now because I've figured out that the baby likes to hang out on the right side mostly. Also when we are listening you can hear the baby's movements as well! It's truely amazing to know that there is a little baby growing in there! Kirk and I still in awe everytime we listen.
Baby is turned facing my backbone
Baby already likes to relax with his arms about his head like his Mommy
Can see the umbilical cord pretty good....could never get a really good look in between the legs!
Baby waving "Hello"
Good view of spine-everything looks good!
Nice view of belly and face/head. The two little black spaces in the head are the ventricles of the forming brain! Very cool!!
Since finding out we were pregnant, all of my friends who've already been pregnant encouraged me to take belly pictures weekly throughout pregnancy. We started doing this about week 7 or so. I've added weeks 12 thru now...I've started to show a little in the past few weeks if you look closely! I'm super excited to see what the coming weeks and months will do to my belly and the rest of my body!! Hopefully the pregnancy induced acne will subside soon...who would have thought that a grown woman who never had problems with her skin would have such a time with it as an adult! Hormones are a crazy thing!
Over the last month, we've completed construction on the nursery and it looks fabulous! (Thanks Travis!) I wasn't on board with the nursery idea in the beginning but warmed up to it about a week before construction. Now the the room is complete I can't believe that I didn't want it in the first place! This will save a lot of stair climbing for the first year. I cannot wait to start decorating and customizing for Baby Revels. We are most definitely going to paint the room and I'm hoping that experience will inspire me to add more color to the walls throughout the house--although I've heard painting isn't fun....
I've attached a few pictures at various stages in the construction process. Oh yes, also during the construction we added hardwood floors to the living room-which I am super happy with!
Looking into the living room
Our bathroom window and soon to be baby's closet
Looking into our living room window
Window which has been cut out to be a door
Notice the curious kitties!
Window now into a door from our bedroom and closet in progress
Hardwoods down!!
Door leading from the living room to the nursery
Living room door open
Entrance from living room
Closet and our bathroom door on left
Leading into our bathroom
Kirk and I go back for our "big" ultrasound on September 28th.
All pregnant women get this ultrasound around 18-20 weeks to screen for any abnormalities and to make sure the baby is growing appropriately. We are MOST excited about this ultrasound because hopefully the baby will cooperate and we will finally be able to determine if this truely is going to be a little Kirk and a mini Tiffany! We are ecstatic to find out. I cannot wait buy this baby atleast one outfit and start planning the nursery. Our friends Jeff and Ashlee will have their big ultrasound the week before us, so we are very excited for them and hopefully Baby Register will be cooperative during the ultrasound!
We are so blessed to be surrounded by lots of pregnant friends also supportive families and friends alike! Thanks to all of you for your support thus far, things are bound to get much more exciting in the coming weeks! We'll definitely keep you posted.
Love to all!
Tiffany, Kirk and KJ